Yes ladies and gentleman, it has arrived. My very own store online.
Let me inform you first that it is still a work in progress, so you will see
it grow in inventory variety and size as the days and weeks go by.
I didn't say this at the beginning, but i owned a store in downtown Over the Rhine-
here in Cincinnati for over a decade. It was very much like the mom and pops-
five and dime store, that we all grew to love as children. I still sold penny candy.
I sold virtually all of the varieties of candy from Mary Jane's, sour Patch kids,
Swedish red fish and even 2 Cent cookies. You get the gist, i sold everything...
Unfortunately, the city sold my building to a developer,and i was made to move out,
losing my business and my loyal customers as well. But here we are online doing it again,
and we hope to open another physical location in the next year. Drop by our site and give
us a visit,become a member and even leave us your suggestions on how we can improve.
We will see you there and always... don't stop dreaming
-brother teacher
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